• Question: do you think humans came from adam and eve or from monkeys

    Asked by COOL OSTERICH to Kieran, Lisa, Remsha, Oliver, Fiana on 7 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Lisa

      Lisa answered on 7 Nov 2018:

      If we came from Adam and Eve…. where did Adam and Eve come from??? All life on earth evolved from single-celled organisms, which first appeared on our planet over 2000 million years ago! And yes, humans eventually evolved from primates (monkeys) around 300,000 years ago.

    • Photo: Remsha Afzal

      Remsha Afzal answered on 7 Nov 2018:

      Adam and Eve were apparently sent straight from the skies down to earth as punishment because Eve ate some apple that she wasn’t meant to in a different world called ‘heaven’. Although there is no proof for that, I can tell you that evolution is an actual process that has been observed time and again in many different species. We have found various fossils and DNA from bones showing us the evidence of earlier ape-like ancestors of humans. We have sequenced fossil DNA with our own DNA and found various traits in us that those earlier species had. This process of going from an ape-like being to humans as we know took hundreds of thousands of years! You see evolution doesn’t mean one day a single monkey changed to a human. It requires a lot of time.

    • Photo: Kieran

      Kieran answered on 7 Nov 2018:

      I believe in evolution and have this debate with my family again and again. My mum always asks that if humans came from apes, why do we still have apes….so it helps if you think of a tree. Humans are at one branch and primates/apes/monkeys are another. Trace back the branches and where they meet is a common ancestor – a species that lived a long time ago. It is the ancestor that gave rise to the different species (called lineages). Hope that helps, although my Mother still doesnt believe me!
